A personal story about a tragic accident and the scarring consequences from losing a co-worker, friend, brother, and son

September 13, 2023 00:33:19
A personal story about a tragic accident and the scarring consequences from losing a co-worker, friend, brother, and son
The Safety Experts
A personal story about a tragic accident and the scarring consequences from losing a co-worker, friend, brother, and son

Sep 13 2023 | 00:33:19


Show Notes

On July 16th, 1987, a tragic onsite trenching incident occurred, personally affecting Jeremy’s family, special guest Barry, and many others in their hometown located in west Tennessee. Approximately 35 trenching fatalities occur each year in the U.S., with about two-thirds of those occurring in trenches less than ten feet.

In this episode of The Safety Experts podcast, your hosts Jerome Spear and Jeremy Lancaster is joined by special guest Barry Glisson to share the events of that day to raise awareness on proper work safety precautions, the dangers of onsite trench work, and showcase the importance of employing safety competencies onsite.  Jerome speaks with Jeremy and Barry about the importance of proper safety precautions, sharing a deeply personal story about the tragic consequences of working in an excavation or trench without proper protective systems in place.

 Make sure to subscribe to tune in to all upcoming episodes, follow us on LinkedIn, and sign up for our newsletter.


Theme music courtesy of The Acappella Company

Listen to the full song here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=eOM6eXMkkl8&feature=youtu.be


Brought to you by Spear & Lancaster, LLC

Produced by ADV Marketing

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