Latest Episodes

The Safety Experts: The Difference Between Good and Great in Safety Leadership
Being great at something looks easy. The reality is much different. Great safety leaders have a hard task ahead of them—they must understand the...

Anticipating, Recognizing, Evaluating, and Controlling Confined Space Atmospheric Hazards
Confined space projects present risks that other projects typically do not have. Improper management of these projects and their associated risks can lead to...

Cabin Creek Confined Space Catastrophe
Confined space projects present risks that other projects typically do not have. Improper management of these projects and their associated risks can lead to...

Improving Contractor Safety Performance, Part 2
Incidents occur every day due to neglecting contractor safety principles. Managing work-in-progress assurances, considering both owner and general contractor perspectives, as well as performance...

Improving Contractor Safety Performance, Part 1
Preventable incidents happen across industries every day. Managing employees effectively and taking action to reduce risk and injury increases profits by managing costs, but...

Risk-Reduction Necessities, Even If Not Driven By a PSM Standard Update
Complacency is a dangerous game when it comes to process safety. Regulatory standards are changing, and although the exact timeline is uncertain, it does...